Only a few more days until 2013!
The new year marks a anew start for many of us, including myself. I have many goals for this year. I am determined to make 13 my lucky number! I do not do resolutions because I never keep them and also, the first of the year is not always the best time to change certain things, why restrain yourself?
I want to double my revenue from last year at least.
I want to organize my work space and put a shipping procedure in place.
Have at least 100 items in the store.
Develop a home decor collection.
Continue to grow my business and my creativity towards the ultimate goal: To be self- employed!
Post blogs regularly about my progress and about others like me who are striving to make the world more beautiful through their art.
Some of my personal goals include:
Get another tattoo.
Get out of debt (at least a big chunk of it)
Road trip down the west coast with my best friend (already got my ticket!)
Document my room mate starting a business on my blog.
But first on the list is to clean up my space.My great aunt told me that however you bring in the New Year in your house, that is what your whole year will look like! I don't know about you, but I sure don't want my 2013 to look like dirty laundry and old hat.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Thursday, December 13, 2012
End of the year but the beginning of new beginnings!
As 2012 is coming to a close I figured I would write a little bit of a reflection blog. Unique - no. Creative not so much. My prerogative- Abso- freaking -lutely!
So here it goes:
This year has been interesting to say the least. I spent half the year in Sweden and the other half back here in Montgomery, AL. In the past year I have been working with kids, seen the Czech Republic, learned how to sell and buy property, attended a funeral, done some souls searching and ultimately learned what I am capable of. I am far from knowing who I really am or what my life is for, but I know now that I can do anything and the only one who can really stop me, is me.
My online Etsy store has changed names from Intertwyned to Triburban, a transition that I think is becoming more and more symbolic of myself and my evolution. Rather than seeing myself as intertwined, constricted by my multiple heritage, I am starting to see myself as a triple threat. someone who transcends multiple cultures, embraces them and becomes them. I am and will always be Swedish but I am also a black woman in America. That automatically connects me back to Africa. My father's family has a lot of Native American blood as well, Choctaw to be exact.Three cultures that I can call mine. That is amazing! I believe all of us can claim at least three cultures and I think it is possible to blend them harmoniously both within yourself and for the world to see. That is what Triburban is all about.
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Traditional Swedish Dress |
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Traditional Tunisian dress. |
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Traditional Choctaw Dress |
In the months to come, I will be working hard to bring my vision of Triburban to reality. what we wear is a reflection of us, what we want people to see and know about us. Clothes and accessories tell a story and are very personal. Triburban is a store for anyone who wants to bring that tribal, original deeply rooted culture into the modern urban world that we live in. Sometimes subtle, sometimes in your face. It is up to you. Triburban is about fashion, but more importantly- it is about people. It is about how you feel in your skin and your clothes and how your clothes make the people around you feel. Embrace your originality, become Triburban!
I just did my first photo shoot last week and I will be doing two more session next week. I am also initiating a project that will allow my items to travel around the world to my friends and family.I am so excited about this and I will tell you more about this in the months to come! 2013 is going to be great, I feel it in my toes!
See you next time! (Unless the Mayans had it right in which case none of what I just wrote will matter in a few days!
Monday, December 3, 2012
Artist Feature: Heather Harris
My Facebook fan page is entitled: Triburban - Cultural Travels Reported from the Urban Jungle. I want this blog to be the main platform for such reporting. So far my blog posts have consisted of my travels around my local area but that is about to change. I strongly believe that we can all travel through the various mediums of art. A texture, smell, image, color or experience can transfer you across the world and back without you moving an inch. This is why I have decided to feature various artists who in my opinion have mastered this skill. Take a look at this picture taken by my friend Heather Harris; can you guess where it was taken?
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Where in the world is Heather Harris? |
Below is a Q & A session with Heather Harris along with some of her amazing photography.
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Heather Harris |
What do you want people to know about you?
Art = life come get some.
First thought in the morning?
Get up you have to go to the gym.
Cous Cous!
Tropical Island or Ski resort?
Hard one but less clothing gets me every time, Tropical island.
Favorite travel destination?
Although I know this will probably change in the years to come, but out of all the places I have been I must say Aspen, Colorado. I know I live in Colorado but going to Aspen and being in this place so beautiful, serene, and quiet in the middle of the day surrounded by! Just the best place to get away
from the city life to think and meditate.
How did you first get involved in art /photography?
I have always been an artist, I was born with art in my blood. I consider myself
more of a multi media artist because I create with everything. All my life I have
painted, drawn, sewn, and after my second year in college, I decided I wanted to
go in another direction which led me to photography. I am well rounded in art.
What do you love most about being an artist?
I absolutely love being able to express myself through my work. I love being able
to educate people with what I know.
Describe your photography in 3 words.
What do you do when you are not working on your art?
Thinking of things to create.
What kind of camera/s do you use?
I use a Canon Rebel XT. I'm way past over due for an upgrade, but the photographer
takes a great photo not the camera.
Do you edit your pictures and if so what do you use?
I edit some of my photos with Photoshop through the site Although I edit, I think my most beautiful photos are the ones that capture that natural light and beauty and I do that so well people might think I adjust and saturate my colors.
Do you prefer editing in the camera or on your computer?
Editing in the camera is way more exciting than the computer. When it is done in the camera its like opening a present when you upload your images for viewing, always nice surprises!
What is one thing that you would like to accomplish in your life time?
I want people to know who I am and what I stand for as a Black woman, mother,
and artist.
What is your dream photography/art project that you would like to create?
I wish to continue on with my installation Myself When I'm Great, I want to fill even more walls I feel this is one of my strongest projects. With my photography I want to go on a years trip around the world documenting art culture, people like me.
Name some of your inspirations.
Theory and art combined inspires me. I love reading the thoughts of Bell Hooks, and
Audrey Lorde. Artist that inspire are Carrie Mae Weems and Lorna Simpson just to
name few.
It is a field that takes dedication, a lot of learning, and a lot of money!
Favorite photo blog/s?
Favorite saying/quote.
“Which of my photographs is my favorite? The one I’m going to take tomorrow.” –
Imogen Cunningham
Last thought before going to sleep?
I love my family.
If you would like to see more of Heather Harris and her artwork - and I know you do- please visit her website Heather Shot You and follow her on these social networking sites:
Instagram: @HeatherShotYou
Twitter: @ImBornRebel
Google+: @HeatherShotYou
Tumblr: ILoveHeatherShotYou or HeatherShotYou
Heather's Blog:
Heather's Art is for sale here:
Art installation,
Black women,
Canon Rebel XT,
Fine art,
Heather Harris,
Myself When I'm Great,
Photo blogs,
Self Expression
Sunday, November 25, 2012
When in Athens, GA...
Athens, GA is about a four hour drive northeast of Montgomery and you have to pass through Atlanta on the way. Because my car is from a time where the youth of today was a mere twinkle in their fathers' eyes, I made a decision when I got home. My car is not allowed to leave the city limits of Montgomery. In case the engine falls out or something begins to smoke.
I could have borrowed my room mate's 1991 Buick skylark and arrived like a pimp(read old person) in Athens, GA but I opted not to. Instead I decided to spoil myself and rent a car. That way I could pretend that I have a car from this century, even if it would just be for one weekend. I know, I am living a large and in charge lifestyle, somebody stop me!
I arrived in Athens after a nice comfy drive in "my" 2013 Chevrolet Impala, around 7 pm. It was great seeing my longtime friend and also meeting her boyfriend Patrick and super cute kitty Tweep. Since they live close to downtown, we walked to a local restaurant called DePalma's for some pizza.
Downtown Athens feels pretty large considering that the city only has about 100,000 people in it. The city owes most of the bustling activity to the University of Georgia (UGA) located downtown. There is definitely a very young population here. I felt ancient walking around the area.
DO NOT tell embarassing personal stories about your friends. It is awkward.I don't know you nor your friend and now, I won't know your products either because I walked away from the awkward.
DO NOT forget your business cards. Even if you don't have cards, print or write small notecards with your info so that people can get in touch with you or see more of the things you make and possibly buy them. It also helps if you have an etsy store, a website or even a facebook page where I can look at pictures. E-mailing you and randomly asking to buy something from you is odd. How will I know what I am ordering?
Moving along. After the craftshow we ran some errands around town. Since I had a car and Danielle does not, it only made sense to get some grocery shopping done while I was there. 7 hours later we were done and starving. Patrick suggested a Mexican restaurant that he had been to once before called Tlaloc. If you like authentic Mexican food i.e. not Chipotle, Taco Bell or Moe's, this is the place to go. We ordered a bunch of different combo plates and shared them between us. The customers are mostly Mexican but there was also a few groups of college kids dispersed in the restaurant. As a former resident of Colorado, I know my Mexican cuisine and this hit the spot. I would frequent this place often if I was living in Athens, GA.
Sunday was my travelling day but we had time for a quick brunch downtown at Nona's. It is a New Orleans inspired restaurants with a cool looking dinig area in the back and a bar/bistro area in the fron of the building. we sat in the window so that we had a view over the campous and the people walking by. I had the French Quarter Breakfast which included cheese grits, honey bacon, and three beignets. Three!! I really liked them....The bacon was very sweet, a bit too sweet for me especially since I had beignets too. Did i mention you get three of them?
After brunch it was time for me to head back to the Gump. I really did have a great time and it was great seeing my old friend. We are a little bit older, a bit wiser and if I may say so myself, a bit hotter. 30 is the new 20, I don't care what anyone says.
University of Georgia
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Road trip planning -Stand your ground
OK, I just had to come on here and rant a bit. A few weeks ago, I booked the airline tickets for me and my best friend to go on a roadtrip down the west coast. I'll fly out from Atlanta and she will get on in Denver on my connecting flight and we will end up in Seattle. On the way back we will do the same thing except in reverse and from San Diego.
So, a week after i booked everything, I get an e-mail from Frontier Airlines stating that my flights have changed and a big link saying: "Click here if you accept the changes to your flight". Underneath it, in the smallest print they could find that was barely visible it said: "Call 1-800-xxx-xxxx for further assistance" or something like that. Obviously, I did not drink the Kool-Aid, I picked up the phone and called them.
The flight schedule from Denver had changed. Frontier Airlines therefore took the liberty to put me on a 6 am flight from San Diego while my friend was not leaving until 3 pm that same afternoon. Their afternoon flight to Atlanta from Denver no longer exists so they bumped my flight out of CA to 5 minutes past buttcrack of dawn. That was not going to work for me.
I explained to the lady that I did not mind spending the night in Denver and leaving for Atlanta the following afternoon. I personally thought this was very accomodating of me seeing how I did not book the flight that was now offered to me. I was working with the company, making their life easier. I thought.
The lady told me that normally they would not make those kind of changes without charging me extra. She did say that she would check and placed me on hold. I was getting ready to put on my grumpy customer face and play hardball. I figured if they wanted to charge me more, I would just cancel the entire return trip. I was just going to buy 2 new tickets with another airline and the joke would be on Frontier Airlines.
Luckily, the lady came back on the line and informed me that the ticket prices were equal and she rebooked my flight from San Diego back to the original departure time and gave me a overnight layover in Denver!
The moral of this story: always buy that little travel insurance that they offer at the bottom of the page when booking airline tickets online. Also, you don't always have to play hardball. :)
So, a week after i booked everything, I get an e-mail from Frontier Airlines stating that my flights have changed and a big link saying: "Click here if you accept the changes to your flight". Underneath it, in the smallest print they could find that was barely visible it said: "Call 1-800-xxx-xxxx for further assistance" or something like that. Obviously, I did not drink the Kool-Aid, I picked up the phone and called them.
The flight schedule from Denver had changed. Frontier Airlines therefore took the liberty to put me on a 6 am flight from San Diego while my friend was not leaving until 3 pm that same afternoon. Their afternoon flight to Atlanta from Denver no longer exists so they bumped my flight out of CA to 5 minutes past buttcrack of dawn. That was not going to work for me.
I explained to the lady that I did not mind spending the night in Denver and leaving for Atlanta the following afternoon. I personally thought this was very accomodating of me seeing how I did not book the flight that was now offered to me. I was working with the company, making their life easier. I thought.
The lady told me that normally they would not make those kind of changes without charging me extra. She did say that she would check and placed me on hold. I was getting ready to put on my grumpy customer face and play hardball. I figured if they wanted to charge me more, I would just cancel the entire return trip. I was just going to buy 2 new tickets with another airline and the joke would be on Frontier Airlines.
Luckily, the lady came back on the line and informed me that the ticket prices were equal and she rebooked my flight from San Diego back to the original departure time and gave me a overnight layover in Denver!
The moral of this story: always buy that little travel insurance that they offer at the bottom of the page when booking airline tickets online. Also, you don't always have to play hardball. :)
Monday, September 24, 2012
It's a small world after all
I have never claimed to be particularly "together" in fact, I probably would be inclined to claim the opposite. So in perfect accordance to this statement, I managed to lock my keys, my phone and my computer in my car in the parking lot of my job. Fantastic! One of the wonderful perks of having a 16 year old car with no automatic anything. I meant to unlock the passenger door, get out of the car, walk around and grab my thing on the other side. The plan was perfect, except it was not fool proof. This morning evidently, I was indeed a fool.
So, my morning was not off to a great start. Luckily, I have the best roomies in the world who also happen to have smartphones AND check their facebook. I logged on the office computer and arranged for one of them to come and unlock the car. Success!!
While I was on Facebook, an old friend of mine messaged me on the chat.
To understand how amazeballs what I am about to tell you is, you have to know this person.
In 1994,when I was 15, I visited the small country of Malta situated in the Mediterranean sea. I was there for an EF English language course. In hindsight this seems like it was a tremendous waste of money as I knew how to speak English already. My brother had spoken English to my mom and I at home since I could remember and I had English class in school 5 hours a week since I was 9 years old. Anywho, off I went.
At the time, I believe the population was somewhere around 350,000. This small island had one stop light and you could drive around it in a day. I met Danielle there. She was half English, half Maltese. I met her again in 1996, when I came back to the island on vacation with some friends. Somewhere in between there or after, I met her in London for a few hours. We have not stayed in touch per se but we have always stayed friends. I think the last time I saw her in person was in 1999 when I was back in Malta working as a bartender after high school.
Did you ever have one of those friends who you just click with? That person that no matter how long ago you saw each other last, you pick up right where you left off? That is who Danielle is for me. so when she sent me a message, it was like getting a message from any of my friends. i was happy to hear from her and figured she just wanted to say hi.
Well, it turns out that the universe has a weird way of making my life super interesting and coincidental in an amazing way. I am not sure why i got this cool life, but I am glad i did!
It turns out that Danielle now lives in Athens, GA - A 4 hour drive from my house!!!
I am planning to visit her as soon as I can, hopefully within the month. I can't wait to catch up with my friend of 17 years. We have not seen each other in over a decade so I am sure there will be a lot of chattering. Stay tuned for a follow up post with pictures and update!
So, my morning was not off to a great start. Luckily, I have the best roomies in the world who also happen to have smartphones AND check their facebook. I logged on the office computer and arranged for one of them to come and unlock the car. Success!!
While I was on Facebook, an old friend of mine messaged me on the chat.
To understand how amazeballs what I am about to tell you is, you have to know this person.
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Sunset in Malta. I love this island!! |
At the time, I believe the population was somewhere around 350,000. This small island had one stop light and you could drive around it in a day. I met Danielle there. She was half English, half Maltese. I met her again in 1996, when I came back to the island on vacation with some friends. Somewhere in between there or after, I met her in London for a few hours. We have not stayed in touch per se but we have always stayed friends. I think the last time I saw her in person was in 1999 when I was back in Malta working as a bartender after high school.
Did you ever have one of those friends who you just click with? That person that no matter how long ago you saw each other last, you pick up right where you left off? That is who Danielle is for me. so when she sent me a message, it was like getting a message from any of my friends. i was happy to hear from her and figured she just wanted to say hi.
Well, it turns out that the universe has a weird way of making my life super interesting and coincidental in an amazing way. I am not sure why i got this cool life, but I am glad i did!
It turns out that Danielle now lives in Athens, GA - A 4 hour drive from my house!!!
I am planning to visit her as soon as I can, hopefully within the month. I can't wait to catch up with my friend of 17 years. We have not seen each other in over a decade so I am sure there will be a lot of chattering. Stay tuned for a follow up post with pictures and update!
long lost friend,
road trip,
Monday, September 17, 2012
Road trip planning - Plan ahead
I am so excited I can hardly contain myself enough to get this blog post written!! I AM GOING ON VACATION WITH MY BEST FRIEND!!!!! YEAY!!!!
Ok, so those of you who know me might say "Hey, you are always traveling somewhere, what is the big deal?"
I'll tell you. This is the first vacation in years that I have planned and decided to go on simply because I said so. Also, the first real vacation with my bestie! Although we have visited each other since I moved to Montgomery, AL (me mostly being the visitee ( I know, not a real word, it's ok) and her being the visitor), we have never been on a planned vacation together for more than one night.
So, as I am sitting over here jumping from site to site online, looking for attractions, money saving ideas, flights, car rentals etc, I decided to share my findings with anyone willing to read about it.
I think I will make this into a series on how to plan a cheap, fun and adventure filled road trip.
First of all, this trip will be epic and will go down in history as the most spectacular event in history. Also it is 6 months away. This brings me to my first essential tip:
This is where I spend most of my time. I search, tweak and search again to find the absolute best price. Someone told me that prices drop late at night because there are less people searching. I am not sure if that is true, I always fall asleep. Someone please confirm or deny this for me.
If available, always use the options of nearby airports and/or flexible dates. Where i live I have three possible airports to choose from and sometimes the drive is worth the money I save. Make sure that you don't have somewhere else to be on the dates that pop up if you choose the flex option.
MAKE A DECISION. When you find a flight that works for you, buy it. Double check that prices include taxes and that all the dates are correct and work with your plans. I speak from experience, double check it five times! Once, i booked a flight home that arrived a day after my friend was visiting me. Luckily I have fantastic room mates who entertained her while they waited for my dumb ass. We made it work but if you can avoid it, why not?
Congratulations!!! If you followed these steps you have booked a flight and hopefully got a great deal! Now all you have to do is rent a car, plan your days, get somewhere to sleep, find the sights and make a budget. Piece of cake!!
Ok, so those of you who know me might say "Hey, you are always traveling somewhere, what is the big deal?"
I'll tell you. This is the first vacation in years that I have planned and decided to go on simply because I said so. Also, the first real vacation with my bestie! Although we have visited each other since I moved to Montgomery, AL (me mostly being the visitee ( I know, not a real word, it's ok) and her being the visitor), we have never been on a planned vacation together for more than one night.
So, as I am sitting over here jumping from site to site online, looking for attractions, money saving ideas, flights, car rentals etc, I decided to share my findings with anyone willing to read about it.
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On my way to somewhere in the world. |
First of all, this trip will be epic and will go down in history as the most spectacular event in history. Also it is 6 months away. This brings me to my first essential tip:
- PLAN AHEAD -If you start looking way ahead of time for flights and such before going on vacation, chances are you will get a deal. The alternative is to wait until the last minute. This option could also get you a good deal, possibly an even greater one but it could also result in you not going at all. You don't want that.
- PAY YOUR DUES - As a person who in a way is voluntarily poor on an almost constant basis because I refuse to conform to capitalistic societal norms, I detest bills. Unfortunately, I still receive them. My favorite part about planning ahead when traveling is that I can pay the trip off BEFORE I even go on it. That way, I can enjoy the vacation, instead of obsessing about my growing credit card bill. Another benefit is that it leaves lots of room on my card to spend on emergencies or just fun things that I didn't plan.
- KNOW WHEN TO GO -The cheapest days to fly, at least within the U.S. are Tuesdays and Wednesdays. It makes sense being that everyone and their mother usually wants to go somewhere over the weekend. Sometimes if they really want to live large, they will even take a day off and leave on Thursday. But never on Tuesdays or Wednesdays! Look for travel on these days for extra cheap flights.
- YEAH BUDDY! - If you know someone who works in the airline industry and you don't mind getting to know the inner workings of your airport, buddy passes are great and cheap alternatives. Buddy passes are a fraction of regular tickets and are great if you don't have a need to be somewhere on a specific date or time. Make yourself comfortable, you could be spending the night. Some airlines require you to dress nicely when using a buddy pass since you may be seated in business or first class. Leave the cargo shorts and flip flops at home for this one.
- START SEARCHING - Below are some of my favorite sites to scour before I decide to buy.
- KAYAK - Great for domestic U.S. flights.
- MOMONDO - International flights
- VAYAMA - International flights
- HOTWIRE - Will not tell you all the details until after you have booked. Great if you like surprises!
This is where I spend most of my time. I search, tweak and search again to find the absolute best price. Someone told me that prices drop late at night because there are less people searching. I am not sure if that is true, I always fall asleep. Someone please confirm or deny this for me.
If available, always use the options of nearby airports and/or flexible dates. Where i live I have three possible airports to choose from and sometimes the drive is worth the money I save. Make sure that you don't have somewhere else to be on the dates that pop up if you choose the flex option.
MAKE A DECISION. When you find a flight that works for you, buy it. Double check that prices include taxes and that all the dates are correct and work with your plans. I speak from experience, double check it five times! Once, i booked a flight home that arrived a day after my friend was visiting me. Luckily I have fantastic room mates who entertained her while they waited for my dumb ass. We made it work but if you can avoid it, why not?
Congratulations!!! If you followed these steps you have booked a flight and hopefully got a great deal! Now all you have to do is rent a car, plan your days, get somewhere to sleep, find the sights and make a budget. Piece of cake!!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
I was contemplating what to write about for my next blog post and came to think of a bucket list.
If you don't know, a bucket list is a list of things that a person wants to do, see, accomplish or experience before they "kick the bucket" or pass on.
This practice has been popular for a while but I guess gained even more popularity after the release of the movie with the same name starring Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson. Now, I must say that I did enjoy that movie and I really like the idea of having a list of the things you want to do. Here is the problem: Where do you keep said list?
The odds of me keeping a list of anything, let alone a very important one is highly unlikely. I lose my keys at least once a week. I once lost my wallet in my bedroom. I knew it was in the room yet I could not find it for 12 hours.
The odds of me having said list in my possession as I walk on the Great wall of China or feed a koala, are fairly low.
The other problem with having a list of thing you want to do, is that you easily forget the value of the things you are doing or have done. I don't know about anyone else, but I have been lucky to do some pretty cool things in my life and half of them, I had no idea I was going to experience. I most certainly did not have them written down on a laminated paper prior to the event.
So, I decided to make a different kind of list. A list of thing that I have done already that I think are pretty awesome and memorable. Perhaps this list will inspire someone else to write down their own awesome experiences. Please note that my list is in no particular order of importance but in a sort of chronological order... but not really. Here we go!
1. Move to a different continent.
I was 22, I had $2,000 and a ticket to the Big Apple. The rest is history.
2. Ride across the U.S. on a Greyhound Bus.
Perhaps not everyone's number one choice for transportation but definitely an unforgettable experience. New York, NY-Frisco, CO. Denver, CO- Waterloo, IA. Jacksonville, FL- Denver, CO. Denver, CO-Minneapolis, MN. Chicago, IL- Denver, CO. Never again!!!!
3. Make the front page news.
So, it was the front of the summer special edition of the free Metro paper distributed in the subway in Stockholm. It was still the front page....maybe not news....Still.
4. Visit the grave of Franz Kafka.
Nuff said.
5. Visit the Great Pyramids of Egypt.
I was even climbed inside the top of the big one. it was UH-MAY-ZING!!! Twice as old as Jesus that tomb is. Crazy cool!!!
6. Own a used bullet I found on the side of the road in Cote D'Ivoire.
True story... and a bit creepy....
7. Be an extra in a music video.
It is kind of cool that my friends across the world can see me anytime just by looking at a video.
8. Be in the general vicinity of a President.
In 2008, I was lucky enough to be able to attend Barack Obama's speech at the Democratic National Convention in Denver. It helps that my cousin is a delegate and could get me a ticket.
9. Graduate from College.
No explanation needed.
10. Visit 2300 Jackson Street in Gary, Indiana.
YES!! The family home of the King of Pop...Pretty great stuff!
11. Drive across the country with a somewhat complete stranger.
In 2010, I drove from Denver, CO to Atlanta, GA with a person I had only met for lunch once before. It was a lot of fun and we are still friends.
12. Visit an authentic Juke Joint.
Yup, Queen of hearts in Jackson, MS. Bring your own booze, buy the setup(ice, cup and mixer) at the bar.

13. Live in Montgomery, AL
It is kind of amazing to live in a place where people like Martin "Luther" King, Rosa Parks, Nat King Cole and F. Scott Fitzgerald have also lived. The birth of the Civil Rights Movement, a place where John Wilkes Booth performed (obviously BEFORE he shot Lincoln), and not to forget; home of the famous Love shack sang about in the hit song by the B-52's. Yeah, I live here....
14. Find the half of your family that you never knew before. See the resemblance.
Truly priceless!
So there you have it - My Bucket list thus far. I hope to add at least two more things to this list within the next 12 months: Participate in a 5K Race in November and Drive on the Pacific Coast Highway with my best friend in March... If I could fit in skydiving somewhere around my birthday, I would be a happy camper.
until next time!
I was contemplating what to write about for my next blog post and came to think of a bucket list.
If you don't know, a bucket list is a list of things that a person wants to do, see, accomplish or experience before they "kick the bucket" or pass on.
This practice has been popular for a while but I guess gained even more popularity after the release of the movie with the same name starring Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson. Now, I must say that I did enjoy that movie and I really like the idea of having a list of the things you want to do. Here is the problem: Where do you keep said list?
The odds of me keeping a list of anything, let alone a very important one is highly unlikely. I lose my keys at least once a week. I once lost my wallet in my bedroom. I knew it was in the room yet I could not find it for 12 hours.
The odds of me having said list in my possession as I walk on the Great wall of China or feed a koala, are fairly low.
The other problem with having a list of thing you want to do, is that you easily forget the value of the things you are doing or have done. I don't know about anyone else, but I have been lucky to do some pretty cool things in my life and half of them, I had no idea I was going to experience. I most certainly did not have them written down on a laminated paper prior to the event.
So, I decided to make a different kind of list. A list of thing that I have done already that I think are pretty awesome and memorable. Perhaps this list will inspire someone else to write down their own awesome experiences. Please note that my list is in no particular order of importance but in a sort of chronological order... but not really. Here we go!
1. Move to a different continent.
I was 22, I had $2,000 and a ticket to the Big Apple. The rest is history.
2. Ride across the U.S. on a Greyhound Bus.
Perhaps not everyone's number one choice for transportation but definitely an unforgettable experience. New York, NY-Frisco, CO. Denver, CO- Waterloo, IA. Jacksonville, FL- Denver, CO. Denver, CO-Minneapolis, MN. Chicago, IL- Denver, CO. Never again!!!!
3. Make the front page news.
So, it was the front of the summer special edition of the free Metro paper distributed in the subway in Stockholm. It was still the front page....maybe not news....Still.
4. Visit the grave of Franz Kafka.
Nuff said.
Franz Kafka and me! |
5. Visit the Great Pyramids of Egypt.
I was even climbed inside the top of the big one. it was UH-MAY-ZING!!! Twice as old as Jesus that tomb is. Crazy cool!!!
about an hour after this picture was taken, I was inside that pyramid, right where my index finger is! |
6. Own a used bullet I found on the side of the road in Cote D'Ivoire.
True story... and a bit creepy....
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The African bullet. |
It is kind of cool that my friends across the world can see me anytime just by looking at a video.
8. Be in the general vicinity of a President.
In 2008, I was lucky enough to be able to attend Barack Obama's speech at the Democratic National Convention in Denver. It helps that my cousin is a delegate and could get me a ticket.
9. Graduate from College.
No explanation needed.
10. Visit 2300 Jackson Street in Gary, Indiana.
YES!! The family home of the King of Pop...Pretty great stuff!
11. Drive across the country with a somewhat complete stranger.
In 2010, I drove from Denver, CO to Atlanta, GA with a person I had only met for lunch once before. It was a lot of fun and we are still friends.
12. Visit an authentic Juke Joint.
Yup, Queen of hearts in Jackson, MS. Bring your own booze, buy the setup(ice, cup and mixer) at the bar.

13. Live in Montgomery, AL
It is kind of amazing to live in a place where people like Martin "Luther" King, Rosa Parks, Nat King Cole and F. Scott Fitzgerald have also lived. The birth of the Civil Rights Movement, a place where John Wilkes Booth performed (obviously BEFORE he shot Lincoln), and not to forget; home of the famous Love shack sang about in the hit song by the B-52's. Yeah, I live here....
14. Find the half of your family that you never knew before. See the resemblance.
Truly priceless!
So there you have it - My Bucket list thus far. I hope to add at least two more things to this list within the next 12 months: Participate in a 5K Race in November and Drive on the Pacific Coast Highway with my best friend in March... If I could fit in skydiving somewhere around my birthday, I would be a happy camper.
until next time!
Friday, September 7, 2012
Dragon Boat Festival
Just a quick post to show you some pictures from the Montgomery Dragon Boat Race a few weeks ago.
The Montgomery Dragon Boat Race took place on August 25, 2012.
It was a beautiful day and there were a ton of people out by the riverfront to cheer the racers on.
I went down there with one of my room mates and it was nice to see so many people gathered in Montgomery. Downtown is usually pretty quiet.
We watched a few heats but then the actual outside heat got the best of us and we decided to walk around to find refreshments.
I was told that the total amount of money raised by all the teams was $140, 000! The race held in Montgomery is the largest dragon Boat Race east of the Mississippi River. This is the 4th year it has been held. Not too shabby, huh?
Dragon boat races are held all over the world but stem from ancient Chinese tradition. You can read about the origins of Dragon boat races here.
To learn more about the Montgomery races and how to participate, click here
The Montgomery Dragon Boat Race took place on August 25, 2012.
It was a beautiful day and there were a ton of people out by the riverfront to cheer the racers on.
I went down there with one of my room mates and it was nice to see so many people gathered in Montgomery. Downtown is usually pretty quiet.
Preparing on of the boats for a team. |
Unfortunately, I did not have any alligator, but I will next time. I have never had it but I am going to eat it SOON. I hear it tastes like chicken!
One of the teams heading to the start of the race. |
A drummer in the front of the boat helps the rowers stay in sync withe their oars. |
To learn more about the Montgomery races and how to participate, click here
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Swedish Dinner NIght
After having spent 6 weeks this summer in Sweden, one of my lovely room mates suggested that we do a Swedish dinner once a month. Now, you might ask yourself, "what exactly does Swedish dinner entail?" Well at our house, it means I make a Swedish dish, we enjoy it and talk about Sweden, maybe I teach him some words or phrases.
So this weekend will be the first of hopefully many of these Scandinavian feasts. I thought I would share the menu with you.
Appetizer: Gubbröra
This is a popular Swedish appetizer served in the summer around midsummer. You can buy it premade in the grocery stores in Sweden but since I live in Montgomery, AL, I will be making it myself. First time!!!
Here is what I will need for 4-6 people:
4 hard boiled eggs
A small can of anchovies finely chopped (Around 2 oz)
2 Tablespoons of chopped red onions
2 Tablespoons of chopped chives
2 Tablespoons of dill
1 tablespoon of creme fraiche
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Gubbröra |
Anchovy paste is a good alternative if you can find it. You won't use a whole can and a tube of paste is easier to save for later. If you like more texture I suggest you still go for the fillets in the can.
I will use Sour cream because I don't need a lot and I don't even think I can find creme fraiche where i live. The texture is not quite right but it will work.
I always buy my rye bread and Wasa crackers at Big Lots. It is half the price there compared to the regular grocery store. Most well assorted grocery stores will have something similar as well.
1. Peel and chop the hard boiled eggs.
2. Chop the anchovies, dill, chives and onions finely.
3. Mix all of it in a mixing bowl along with the creme fraiche (sour cream). Add a bit more if you need to.
4. Serve on a piece of rye bread or Wasa cracker. I you prefer, you can serve it in a bowl garnished with chives and serve the crackers on the side.
The Main Course: Västerbotten Cheese Pie
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Västerbotten Cheese Pie |
Pie crust:
1 1/4 cup of regular white flour or substitute half of the flour with whole wheat flour.
9 tablespoons of room temperature butter. (1 stick and 1 tablespoon)
1/2 tablespoon of water.
3 eggs
1/2 tsp of salt
a pinch of white pepper
3/4 cup of cream (any fat content will do) or 1 1/4 cup of Turkish or Greek yogurt.
2/3 cup of Västerbotten cheese or your choice of aged, sharp, white cheese.
Turn the oven to 450 degrees F or 225 degrees C.
Mix flour, butter, and water together in a food processor, electrical whisk with dough hook attachments or by hand. I had to add a bit of extra flour.
Distribute dough in a 9 inch round pie form.
Place in fridge for 30 min or freezer for 5 min.
Use a fork to poke airholes in the pie crust and bake in the oven for 10 min.
In a mixing bowl, lightly whisk eggs, salt and pepper together.
Stir in cream or yogurt.
Grate and carefully stir in the cheese. Stop stirring as soon as everything is blended.
Pour the mixture into the pie crust.
Turn the oven down to 400 degrees F or 200 C and bake for an additional 25-30 min.
Serve with a salad and a light dressing.
Dessert: Ginger Pears with yogurt and Dulce de Leche
For dessert I am trying something different that i found here. I am modifying it slightly but I think it will be just as good.
You will need:
14 tablespoons of sugar
14 tablespoons of water
3 pieces of candied ginger
2 pounds of pears
Yogurt or whipped cream
- Peel pears and put them in some lemon water.
- Boil water and sugar into a syrup.Chop the ginger and mix it in.
- Place pears in the syrup. Let them simmer until soft ( about 30 min).
- Place pears in a mason jar and pour syrup over it. close the jar.
Serve pears with dulce sauce and a dollop of yogurt...I added cardamom, ground cloves and cinnamon to my yogurt, just a pinch of each. So yummy!!
Smaklig Måltid!
If you need any of the recipes in their original version in Swedish click the links below. they have metric measurements and are in Swedish. Google may be able to translate the pages, I am not sure though.
Cheese Pie
Ginger Pears
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Senoia, GA -filming location for Walking Dead season 3
A few weeks ago, one of my room mates went on a day trip to Senoia, GA. He and a few of his friends drove there to look at a house that had been featured in the magazine Southern Living. When he got back he told me about it and said that Senoia was a very cute little town and that he had been told that it has been the backdrop for a few movies. I Googled it.
Well what do you know- my favorite show is being filmed there RIGHT NOW! I had to go to there.... Luckily I had already planned to go visit my friend in Atlanta the following weekend. I would just stop by there on my way to the city.
I left Montgomery around 1pm and an hour and a half later I got off the highway and proceeded to get lost for another 15 min. After several bouts with my GPS, my iphone and a friendly gas station attendant, I was back on the highway and on my way to the correct exit 5 miles down the road.
Senoia, GA was finally within my reach. As i made the barely noticeable left turn I saw the sign: "Senoia, GA -The perfect setting for life". What a slogan, and so true!! The street leading to downtown is truly that of a typical Southern town. Beautiful white houses with porch swings and grand balconies, Magnolia trees and cute streetlights.
I crossed the railroad tracks and there it was.... The most adorable place to be. Senoia, GA.
There is quite a bit of things crammed into the rather small downtown which only consists of an intersection with shops stretching a few blocks in all four directions.
I parked and snapped my first picture.
According to Wikipedia, there are less than 4,000 inhabitants yet the downtown area was in many ways more bustling than Montgomery. Now anyone who has been to Montgomery knows that it is not the most impressive downtown scene but it is coming up. more on that in a later post.
I walked into a small gift shop and spoke to the cashier. She said they had been filming earlier that morning and that many of the people working on the set had rented houses in the area.
I walked around, snapped some pictures and decided to get a gelato. Yes, there is gelato in Senoia, GA, go figure. The very nice man who served me said that they town population almost doubled in the last seven years. According to him, the owner of the buildings hosting Redneck Gourmet and Maguire's Family and Friends really is the person putting the town on the map.
I walked around the fake city hall that was built for the show, snapped a few pictures and got back in the car.
I will most definitely be back for some food next time I am in the neighborhood!
Well what do you know- my favorite show is being filmed there RIGHT NOW! I had to go to there.... Luckily I had already planned to go visit my friend in Atlanta the following weekend. I would just stop by there on my way to the city.
I left Montgomery around 1pm and an hour and a half later I got off the highway and proceeded to get lost for another 15 min. After several bouts with my GPS, my iphone and a friendly gas station attendant, I was back on the highway and on my way to the correct exit 5 miles down the road.
Someones very beautiful Senoia home. |
I crossed the railroad tracks and there it was.... The most adorable place to be. Senoia, GA.
There is quite a bit of things crammed into the rather small downtown which only consists of an intersection with shops stretching a few blocks in all four directions.
"Woodbury" City Hall - This was built for the filming of the next season...I am so geeked! |
According to Wikipedia, there are less than 4,000 inhabitants yet the downtown area was in many ways more bustling than Montgomery. Now anyone who has been to Montgomery knows that it is not the most impressive downtown scene but it is coming up. more on that in a later post.
I walked into a small gift shop and spoke to the cashier. She said they had been filming earlier that morning and that many of the people working on the set had rented houses in the area.
I walked around, snapped some pictures and decided to get a gelato. Yes, there is gelato in Senoia, GA, go figure. The very nice man who served me said that they town population almost doubled in the last seven years. According to him, the owner of the buildings hosting Redneck Gourmet and Maguire's Family and Friends really is the person putting the town on the map.
Woodbury is the name of the town on the next season of the Walking Dead |
Woodbury bank building |
Backside of the fake "Woodbury" City Hall |
Zombies don't cut their grass! |
Downtown |
Cute Senoia Antique shop |
Wonder if this will be on the show? |
I will most definitely be back for some food next time I am in the neighborhood!
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